holy stream floats my palace. 神泉扶明宫。

a determined mind.
under God's shine after i broke heart for a girl collegian, devoted to reclaim my vested kingdom of China from my ancestor with glory.


QRRS Dorms in after rainstorm morning peacefully. Its the hardest rainstorm in benzrad 朱子卓's 22 memory in Qiqihar, his second hometown. however, peace after rainstorm, includes the feeding rain, is daunting beautiful.

a most outraged rainstorm in my 22 years in Qiqihar. ^ last night full of peace even in the toughest rainstorm. I visited my son as usual, but he was fetched away by his mom. the dark grandma open the door and I read history of bible on my son's kindle till he returned. we enjoyed video games so much till his mom scorned us for late around 9pm. it rained since we immersed in pc games. but when I returned to my QRRS dorm by bus, the after rain sky full of fresh air. when I settled to watch English episode "Downtown Abbey" the rain resumed and cats and dogs. the thunders and rain rhythm covered my notebook's speaker and ignited my children era's dread in face of nature power. I busy online till near 11am. I dreamed a lot about my girl LYu, with whom we survived together. the dream so vivid that I wanted to get up to blog, but the after rain dawn too sweet to leave dream. then I dreamed with my kid brother or another close concerned person in Nankai Univ canteen, we starved and had to play tricks to survive. God, dad, so beautiful this morning is! bring me sooner my first wife in my Royal China, girl LYu, so now should be a graduate and I admire so much, bring me my Royal China to cater to my son and offspring arriving. grant us video game equipment update this month! thx, dad God.

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